Want to Beg the order- Avoid these deadly Mistakes

While consulting lots of clients on product sales I have experienced that salespeople have to makes Product demo very frequently. But they commit certain mistakes during their product demo, due to which sometimes they even have to lose sale.
Today I am going to share with you the 6 mistakes which you may be committing during your product demo because of which you may also be losing your sales.
Product demonstration is one of the key aspects of sales process.  And after repeating the product or service demo multiple Times they have mastered this.  But you may have mastered certain mistakes and you may be repeating them again and again, because of which your sale may be getting affected badly.
Go through this blog word by word till end if you want to find out what are these deadly mistakes and how to avoid them.
  1. Don’t plan: Yes, most of the salespeople think that they have been delivering the product demo again and again and therefore they need not plan this.  And this is the biggest mistake they do.  If you want to make the best of this opportunity, plan your demo meticulously. Plan for start and end. Plan for, which features to emphasize and which ones to ignore. Plan for entire flow of delivery. Plan for questions the prospect may ask. Be ready for certain surprises.
  2. Don’t search on prospect’s needs:Unless you understand the prospect’s needs, you will not be able to highlight the specific features and benefits of your product, and you will not be able to communicate how your product is the best fit for meeting the prospect’s requirements. In the absence of this your demo shall become ineffective and you may lose your sale. You can not have same flow for all the prospects. Give your prospect what he / she wants.
  3. No focus on benefits:Another mistake salespeople commit is that they keep emphasizing on features of the product. But they ignore the relevant benefits and applications.  This specially happens with the salespeople who have strong Product knowledge. But remember customer does not buy products due to fancy technical features but he buys due to benefits he can draw from it and how these features can solve some of his pains/ issues.
  4. Waiting for prospects to raise questions:Average salespeople keep waiting for the prospect to ask questions and raise his objections.  But an effective salesperson need not wait for prospect’s questions, rather during the sales demo they plan proactively to answer all the expected questions and objections of the prospect and generate high level of confidence and conviction about product. Blocking the questions by answering them in advance is a better strategy as it demonstrates conviction and authenticity.
  5. Making Demo a monologue:One of the biggest mistake salespeople make is that they make their demo a monologue.  Once they start delivering the product demo, they keep explaining the features after features and they do not stop till they have explained the last feature of the product.  This is a biggest mistake they can do, instead of this the effective sales person include the prospect in the conversation. They make it a dialogue by asking the relevant engaging questions. Ask if the demo is going on as per their expectations.
  6. Do not ask a closing question:I have personally seen that lots of salespeople are hesitant in asking for order. They do not either know how to ask for order for next steps. A closing question is must for any sales demo. Unless to agree on next steps you are living it very loose and there is risk of sidetracking the conversation.
So, you can analyze your last demo and ascertain whether you are also committing these mistakes. Next time follow the above tips and make wonderful product and close the sale.