How To Stay Motivated In Any Situation

How To Stay Motivated In Any Situation

How To Stay Motivated In Any Situation

Life is highly unpredictable and changing every moment. We are not sure of next moment. But people expect life to behave always in favorable manner. But in life everything is temporary. One has to go through the peaks and troughs in life. All days are not same. So, motivation also keeps going up and down depending upon the situation. But more important is, how much time you take to bounce back from a low period. As a business coach I meet many people on daily basis. Only one thing I realize is that every body’s business keeps changing time to time. But under all circumstances it is important to bounce back and get motivated as fast as possible. When you are down or demotivated due to any reason you only produce negative results. So it is never advisable to stay in low condition for long. Every has one’s own ways to get motivated. I am giving you my ways. There are simple steps I take to make myself motivated.

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a. Life goals: I have defined and documented my long term and short-term goals. So, whenever I am down because of something I make sure that I go back to my goals and do something about some of them. A little progress in direction of my goal gives me motivation. As business coach I have experienced that this strategy works very well. Therefore, I help my clients to document their business goals and keep consistently working in that direction. As business Growth consultant as well, we help clients to set their goals and create an action plan for achievement of their goals. This strategy works very well.

b. Positive literature: I am a sales trainer and business consultant in NCR. Due to my profession I must read a lot. So I keep a lot of positive literature around me. I read a lot of books on different subjects. When I read the book, my mind gets diverted to something positive and I immediately get motivated. I run a sales training company. I use lots of sales training material to motivate myself and my clients.

c. Be positive and optimist: Being a sales trainer I experience that salespeople have to experience a lot of rejection. But salespeople are highly optimist and never give in to rejection.  All the self-help books tell us about the immense potential of human being. I believe in my personal potential and my inner power. My optimism keeps me motivated.

d. Daily Routine: I have created my daily routine. As a business growth consultant, it works very well for me. I look at my routine and keep track of completed items. Observing the completed routine items make me feel a lot in control of myself and my life. It gives me kick.

e.  Meditate: When I am down because of some big issue I always take shelter of Vipassana mediation. It reminds me that nothing is permanent so ensure to focus on brighter future. Vipassana tells me that current situation will pass away as everything in life is permanent.

f. Affirmations: Daily dose of affirmation keep me charged and optimistic. It also reminds me that I need to cover a lot of journey so there is reason to drop the ball in between. As one of the best sales and business coach in India I always tell my clients to create a list of affirmations and keep reading their affirmations.

g. Be grateful:  My biggest mantra for remaining motivated is feeling grateful. I frequently focus on my past achievements then I immediately come to know the kind of treasure I have in life. When feel grateful for all I have in life, I immediately happy and motivated.

h. Daily physical exercise: I do some exercise regularly. Even if I do it for 20 min, that is enough. But every time I do some exercise, I tell myself that I am different from others. This feeling keeps me reminding of my uniqueness and my blessings. This thought of uniqueness keeps me motivated.

So follow the above tips and you will be able to keep yourself motivated in any situation of life. It is not the situation which demotivates us rather it is our interpretation of situation which demotivates us. There all the best business coaches have also advised on the same lines. Ensure to follow the above mentioned tips and keep yourself motivated.


About The Author –

Author, Rakesh Sharma is one of the best Business coach in India. He runs his own Sales Training company. His company is rated one among the best sales training companies in the country by the clients. He is a business coach in India he has coached hundreds of clients. As Sales Trainer in India he has trained coached and trained thousands of trainees across country. He a one among the best business coach in NCR.