Beware entrepreneurs focus on money could be a wrong strategy for growth – Instead focus on your mission

Friends, let me ask you why are you in business? What is the purpose of your business? If you say you are in business to earn money, it is extremely limited view. The purpose of any business is not to earn money rather it is contribution to marketplace. Money comes as outcome. If you only focus on money and do not make your contribution as important aspect of business than you limit your growth.

All services and products that are designed or made by mankind, are sold to mankind, and solve a problem or fulfil a need of mankind! Even if you are working to improve the environment or make pet collars, you are serving mankind. You must realize that whatever is your business, one way or other it is the solution of some human need or problem. Yet most mediocre and small business owners approach their enterprise as a mere money making tool only! Rather than looking at it as the seed for societal revolutionization, which believe you me it actually is! I am not exaggerating, this really is the situation!

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I have been among the decision makers with the giants of the industry for 30 years. I have seen first-hand how companies like Airtel, Xerox Corporation …and others work. The one striking difference that make these giants so big in comparison to the ones that don’t is their vision.

The giants and the potential giants have a bigger mission in mind. They don’t do the business just to make more money, but they have the greater contribution to the society in mind

stephen covey quote

As one of the top business coaches in the country, I realize the value of having a
mission statement for an enterprise. And so, through this article I want to explain the concept of Mission statement in your business growth.

What Is A Mission Statement?

As per definition the mission statement of a company is a singular statement
defining the purpose of being, the aims and the values of an organization or an
individual. As rightly said by Dave Ramsay, ‘’without
a mission statement, you may get to the top of the ladder, and then realize, it
was leaning against the wrong building’’

During my coaching sessions, time and again I am hit hard by the fact that majority of MSME owners remain clueless of this concept. And those who are aware, treat it like a
fashionable statement, used to decorate a wall on their office, collecting
dust. While they themselves run directionless sniffing money.


“I’m encouraging young people to become social business entrepreneurs and contribute to the world, rather than just making money. Making money is no fun. Contributing to and changing the world is a lot more fun.”- Muhammad Yunus

 How To Create Shared A Mission Statement?

Framing the mission statement is not a one-person job. It is supposed to be a team effort. The heads from each of the teams/systems of your business need to sit together and then brainstorm and frame the mission of your company. This is so they feel responsible toward it. So they share the ownership of the mission statement.

Mission Statement

Now here is the gold, your mission statement is supposed to be an answer of the following three questions, in no particular order-

·         What is the purpose of your business?  This should answer the big functional role of your company.

·         What are you doing: This should tell the biggest value addition that your product/service does? What value addition you are doing to various stake holders of your business?

·         For whom you do this- this tells the precise for whom you do the value addition, who are your primary customers, vendors and employees.

Additionally, if it is time bound and has defined measurability, its functionality increases manifolds.

For example, let me dissect our mission statement for you-

Our mission is- Over the next three years we are committed to empower more than 1 lakh business owners and sales people by providing them affordable and high quality business tools and concepts so that they can grow their business as much as they want, this is our way of contributing to the development of the nation’s economy.

1.    What is the Purpose of our Business? Want to empower business owners and salespeople for growth of their business.”

2.    What are you doing: – by providing them affordable and high-quality business tools and concepts?

3.    For whom you do this: For business owners and sales peoples and for contribution to the development of the nation’s economy.

With these concepts in mind, you can frame your mission statement and use it well for achieving your business goals. Mission statement forms the soul of your business; only your persistent decisions keeping it in mind can keep it alive. I highly recommend you get on with it, and to steer you out of any pitfalls. I am just an email away! Wishing you great success ahead.

How to Use The Mission Statement? Benefits of A Mission Statement-

1)  Friends let your mission statement be the constitution for your functioning.  Once you do so, surrender all your major and minor business decisions towards the fulfilment of your mission statement. It has to be the backbone of all your decisions.

2)     Use your mission statement to motivate all your employees. Each of them should realize that they are not hired to blindly follow orders in urge of money. Rather, make them envision the bigger goal of your company that they are helping realize. Each of your employee’s need to be able to see their duties feeding directly into the mission of the company.

3)    You must recite it like a ritual before every group meeting, in front of all clients, for all your employees, make your employees recite the mission statement too!

4)     Your mission statement can also be your best marketing tool. If used aptly, it wins the confidence of your customer. Your belief in value addition is bound to win you orders. To the extent that a well-defined mission statement, forever resonating within the systems of an organisation can actually become the USP of your organization!

5)     Your mission statement makes you accountable to the whole world. This statement of your purpose will motivate you to keep your word, deliver and achieve what you have committed.

6)     Create measurements and milestones in the direction of satisfying your mission statement, for instance there can the number of clients you want to help, the effect of your product can also be measured as a milestone, your image and standing in the market can be another example for measurement.


These are just a few of the ways in which your organization benefits from having a clear mission statement. During my business and sales coaching sessions we work for days with organizations helping them to frame and use the mission statement to its maximum potential.

About Business Guru Rakesh Sharma –

Rakesh Sharma is one of the best business coach in India and Business growth consultantHe runs his own Sales Training in NCRHis company is rated one among the best sales training companies in the country by the clients. He is a sales coach in India. he has coached hundreds of clients. As Sales Trainer in Indiahe has trained coached and trained thousands of trainees across country. He a one among the best business coach in NCR and Sales Consultant in NCR.