Secrets of growing your business even when you Do Not Add New Customers?

how to grow your business

Are you concerned that you are not able to add new customers.? Are you concerned because your sales is not growing because you are not able to add new customers? Then do not worry, I am going to suggest you some sure shot way so that, you can grow your sales even when you do not add new Customers.

Friends my name is Rakesh Sharma and I empower business owners and salespeople to grow their business and maximize their profits.

You must have heard that Getting a new customer is ten times costlier in comparison to retaining an existing customer. So, the big secret of growing your business even when you are not adding new customers lies in taking care of your existing customers. You need to retain your existing customers for getting the continued business and even for growing your business.

Whether you are operating in B2B environment or B2C environment retaining and satisfying your existing customers is particularly important.   

The customers are under pressure to get more done from less, so they are scrutinizing their suppliers and they are making their supplier’s list leaner and more manageable. At the same the salespeople are under pressure to add new customers to grow their business. so the only solution is, to get the biggest share of wallet from existing customers. But the big question is how to do it?

 Let us explore that…

Given below are some steps you need to take to maximize your share of business from your existing customers. 

The most important is to Strengthen Your Credibility and your trust with the existing Customers: 

Help the customers to grow their business. If you are operating in B2B environment, then find out who are the customers of your customer. Explore what you can do to make their customers happier and more satisfied which will help your customers to grow their business.

Be a trusted advisor: You can be innovative and thereby Increase credibility by offering highly differentiated solutions that respond to customers’ unique business challenges.

Focus on results: The customer has taken your product or service for getting certain results. So be focused on results and show them what kind of results you have been able to produce. You can build your credibility by talking more and more about your results.

Let your customers know why it is important to grow the business with you. Customers want to feel good about making the decision of buying a product or service. So it is your duty to communicate effectively that how they have taken a good decision by buying your product/ service. You must ensure that you share the benefits what your customer has been getting from your product and service. Let them feel good about making such a smart decision.

Provide Excellent after sales support: It is important to be in touch with your customers even after the sale is over. The customer needs lots of support after the product is sold. So be ready to provide excellent service. The after sales service is an excellent area to build trust and future relationship with your customers.

As a sale and business consultant my experience has been that to grow your business you must penetrate deeper into customer’s company:

Study the buying behaviour and buying pattern of your customer. See how you can generate repeated demand of your product and service from your existing customers in your favour.  For this you need to be in touch with the customer frequently. Build your relationship deeper within your customer’s company. Do not remain restricted only to purchase manager. Rather keep in touch with users as well as influencers within the organization. Keep them happy and take commitment for getting a repeat business from them.

Find out how does the customer feel about your competitors: You will appreciate that it is particularly important to understand, what does your customers think about  your competitors, especially those competitors who are currently providing product and services to your customer. You can always plan to be little better than your competitors and grab his share of business and get increases share of wallet from your customer.

Make your customers feel that they are special for you. All business is emotional, and all business is based on trust and relationship. So, let your customer feel that he has a special place in your world and vice versa.  Analyze what are the key challenges of your customers and genuinely help them grow out of them.

If you follow all the above steps, I am sure you will be able to grow your business even when you are not adding new customers frequently. Happy selling. 


About Business Guru Rakesh Sharma –

Earn to sell with Rakesh Sharma’s best sales and marketing training. Everyone is a salesperson at heart, unlock the salesperson in you today.

Rakesh Sharma is one of the best business coach in India and Business growth consultant. He runs his own Sales Training in NCR. His company is rated one among the best sales training companies in the country by the clients. He is a sales coach in India. he has coached hundreds of clients. As Sales Trainer in India he has trained coached and trained thousands of trainees across country. He a one among the best business coach in NCR and Sales Consultant in NCR.