Power Statements – Doorways to Your prospect’s heart

You must have heard a common saying, “selling is the transfer of enthusiasm”If you can transfer your enthusiasm for your product to your prospect, then the sale is done!

But how do you transfer your enthusiasm to your prospect? Before we explore this question, you first need to know whether you yourself are enthusiastic about your product? If you are convinced about product then and only then you can transfer your enthusiasm to your prospect. If you are enthusiastic about your product you can create some magic on your prospect.


Are you putting your prospects to sleep or knocking them out? How to create enthusiasm in the prospect’s mind? How to transfer your enthusiasm to your prospect?  How do you make a memorable impact on your prospect?

The best way to transfer enthusiasm to your prospect is to describe your product in some Power statements.  Power statement like the electricity which flows with selling energy. Selling is transfer of energy but the electricity behind this flow of energy is the power statements. Can you think of some Powerful words about your product? You can be creative and come out with some powerful descriptions, which prospects says wow after listening! 

What is a power statement? 


Power statement is what makes your product or service outstanding, incredible, attractive, and immediately buyable. It compels your prospect to know more about your product. It raises inquisitiveness and the prospect wants to know more with eagerness. It is an unknown and untraditional statement.  It gives an exaggerated expression about what your product or service can do for your prospect. 

Power statement is the expression of your creativity about your product. It depicts your product more in the way of its utility. Its objective is to persuade, lead and motivate the prospects to buy. 

If you do it right it puts you on the higher pedestal and sets you above your competition. 

To create power statement, you need to stop selling the obvious product was service. Some examples of power statements are as follows.

·         If you are selling drill bits, stop selling bits instead you can say, “we sell perfectly smooth holes!” 

·         If you sell printing, Stop selling printing instead you can say, “we sell the brochures that will reflect your prospects image and boost his sales volumes!

·         Stop Selling cars instead, say, “we sell the prestige and status the prospect will have after buying”. Or say, “we sell the smooth ride”.

·         Do not sell insurance, rather sell-“financially secured future”. 


·         Do not sell eyeglasses instead sell “better vision and Stylish looks”.

A power statement serves different purposes.  It can solidify the prospect’s mind for sale by creating the urgent craving for your product in their mind. Power statement makes a prospect think about what to do in terms of how he or she can use what you offer. It builds high level of credibility with your prospect. It describes the benefits of your product and service in the best possible manner, so that it immediately syncs with prospects requirements. It makes highly favorable impact on the prospect. 

A Power statement can also act as your introductory elevator pitch.  For example, if you are providing temporary employees to different businesses, then  you can say; I  provide quality,  emergency and temporary employees for businesses like yours so that when one of your own employees is sick,  absent or on vacation there is no loss of productivity or reduction of  services to your customers. 

I am a sales and business growth consultant. My own power hour statement goes like this; I empower business owners, to scale up their business and maximize their profits. I provide them with strategies which open the doors for unlimited business growth.  I help them create an accountable organization so that business starts running on autopilot mode and you can manage your business only by working one day in a week. 

Powerful statement is a great concept and practical tool and can be used very effectively for putting the product in right perspective with your prospect. The perspective here is defined and described with user in mind. This helps the prospect see the product and service in altogether different light which will be liked by your prospect.


Next time you plan to meet a with a prospect, go prepared with your ‘Power Statement’ and close the deal!