Simple ways to create a Motivated Work Environment

When your teams/ people are motivated to do a better job, you are giving them a reason to excel so that your business will thrive. However motivating your employees is not an easy task and requires a strategic plan. Once you create an environment to motivate your team / people and various steps that it entails, you should also be prepared to embrace them use them on regular basis.
In a workplace committed to creating an attitude of appreciation, recognition and fun on a daily basis, every day would be a full of achievement and excitement.  Employee recognition does not have to be expensive but yes it must be sincere and authentic.
Employee recognition is best approached creatively. While money is an important way to say thank you and recognize the employee contribution, once money is spent, it is easily forgotten and is very temporary.
Simple words of ‘thanks’ can be highly motivating and stimulating. Ideas about ways to say ‘thank you’ at work are limited only by your imagination. The power of saying thank you is magnified when the action, gift, or interaction is accompanied with a thank you note or card.
Create a comprehensive plan for raising employees self esteem. Implement the plan in unbiased and comprehensive manner. Every employee is capable of doing something in best possible manner, spot them doing something good and appreciate and recognize them for the same. Given below are few suggestions to motivate your employees and coworkers.
1.  Motivate by spoken Words
a)  Just say, thank you – any time, any way, and for all reasons.
2.  Motivate by written  Words
a)  Handwritten thank you notes
b)  A letter of appreciation in the employee file
c)  Handwritten cards to mark special occasions for employee ( Performance, personal events like birth day or anniversary)
d)  Recognition posted on the employee bulletin board.
e)  Contribution noted in the company newsletter.
f)  Certificates from MD or senior officials
3.  Give Positive Attention to your team members
a)  Stop by an individual’s workstation or office to talk informally
b)  Provide frequent positive performance feedback – at least weekly
c)  Provide public praise at a staff meeting
e)  Take the employee out to coffee / lunch.
4.  Encourage Employee Development
a)  Send people to conferences and seminars
b)  Ask people to present a summary of what they learned at a conference or seminar at a department meeting
c)  Work out a written employee development plan
d)  Make career development commitments and a schedule
5.  Give them challenging assignments
a)  Assign them challenging tasks
b)  Challenge them by raising the performance bar
c)  Provide opportunities for empowerment and self-management
d)  Ask the employee to represent the department at an important, external meeting
e)  Have the employee represent the department on an inter-departmental committee
f)  Provide cross functional  training opportunities
g)  Provide more of the kinds of work the employee likes and less of the work that he or she does not like
h)  Provide opportunities for the employee to determine his or her own goals and direction
i)  Participation in idea-generation and decision making
6.  Treats them with goodies
a)  As recognition of their work, buy a  pizza or  lunch for a team
b)  Bring in cookies or fruit basket to share
c)  Bring in an ice cream and toppings bar
7.  Occasional  Gifts play a great role
a)  Company logo merchandise such as shirts, hats, mugs, and jackets
b)  Gift certificates to local stores
c)  The ability to exchange “positive points” for merchandise or entry into a drawing for merchandise
8.  Decorate them with Symbols and Honors
a)  Framed or unframed certificates to hang on the wall or file
b)  Engraved plaques
c)  Larger work area or office
d)  More and better equipment
e)  Provide status symbols, whatever they are in your organization
9.  Money is universal motivator
a)  Salary  increment
b)  Bonuses
c)  Gift certificates
d)  Cash awards
10.  Contests enhance competitiveness
a)  Achievement oriented contest
b)  Trips to some exciting locations
c)  Lunch meetings with MD with  family