5 Simple Steps to Maximize Your Productivity

increase productivity

Did you listen from the salespeople that they could not follow a Sales lead because they did not have time?  

Salespeople are always running short of time.  Due to lack of time, they are always under stress and underperforming.  They always wished that they had more time so that they could do more and perform better to achieve their targets.

Does this sound familiar to you? 

My name is Rakesh Sharma and I empower entrepreneurs and salespeople to grow their business and maximize their profits.

Today I am going to talk about a noticeably big problem which most of the salespeople face.  To understand what this problem is and how can you overcome this problem, read through this article till end.  

Friends! Time is an extremely limited resource.  Once lost, the time cannot be retrieved back.  Time cannot be re-produced.  Time can only be spent.  But once the time is lost, it never comes back.  And you cannot have more than 24 hours in day. But the best thing is that God has been kind enough to give 24 hours to every salesperson on the earth.


“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.” – Jim Rohn


For salespeople, every minute is extremely important. Salespeople have to do lots of works besides selling.  Studies have found that an average salesperson spends not more than 90 minutes in a day on the sales activity.  Within these 90 minutes, he must do prospecting, presenting and order closing.  Considering this, the 90 minutes are very less.  And that is the primary reason because of which most of the salespeople do not achieve their targets. 

Salespeople always want to learn how to manage their time. For time management, there are thousands of books available. However, the key to super productivity is not managing time. The answer to the problem lies in managing the self. A salesperson must manage himself. So, therefore, let us understand what the solution for can be getting best out of your time as a salesperson.

Five simple steps to get the best out of your time:

1.    Plan your day: Create your daily schedule, plan your day in the previous evening. The best time to plan for day is the evening. In the evening you know very well, what all you have done during the day, what is pending for tomorrow, and what is the priority. You need not spend your productive time in thinking and reflecting in the morning.  Morning is the time just to start with full energy and enthusiasm.


“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.” — Stephen R. Covey


2.    Prioritize your goals and your activities.  Most of the salespeople are not able to devote time to the important activities because they do not understand how to prioritize. All activities are not equal of priority scale. You must follow 80-20 principle for investing your time different type of activities. Therefore, you must arrange your list of activities in ABCDE category.  Here A indicates the activities which must be done today, if you do not do these activities today, you must face certain consequences.  B are the activities which can be done today if time permits, if delayed you may not have to face any sever consequences. C are those activities which can be postponed till tomorrow or some other day. D are the activities which must be delegated to some other person and E activities must be eliminated from your list. You must know what to do and what not to do.


“It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?” — Henry David Thoreau


3.    Set time for Crisis: While planning your day you must schedule some time for crisis.  If you schedule everything very tightly, back to back then you will cause certain activities to slip over to the next day.  We all know that certain strange unpredictable reasons always crop up time to time, therefore intelligent salespeople always leave some time for such unexpected and unscheduled activities. It is advised that you leave at least an hour open for certain urgencies. 

4.    Plan your Week: Every Saturday plan for coming entire next week. Plan your major appointments for all the days of the week. Plan your goals and your activities. You do not have to account for every minute. But you must ensure to list down your activities and expected time to be spent on respective activity.

5.     Wake up half an hour early: The best time to wake up is at 5 am. If you do so, you will be able to reach your office at least 15 minutes early and schedule your first appointment with your prospect at least 15 minutes early. This will help your energies up for all day.

Friends, you can always get the maximum output from your available time if you follow the simple 5 steps given above.

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You can also share your views, what do you do to improve your productivity. 

Rakesh Sharma is one of the best business coach in India and Business growth consultant. He runs his own Sales Training in NCR. His company is rated one among the best sales training companies in the country by the clients. He is a sales coach in India. he has coached hundreds of clients. As Sales Trainer in India he has trained coached and trained thousands of trainees across country. He a one among the best business coach in NCR and Sales Consultant in NCR.

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