Professional values of Sales Champions

You do not get great at selling in a day. You get great at selling day by day… Jeffrey Gitomer


Friends have you noticed that in the same company while selling the same product, some sales people do very well and keep earning bonuses on the other hand others just keep struggling to earn even the minimum commission and save their job?

 Why does this happen?  Did you ever wonder why despite selling the same product of the same company different salespeople sell different quantities? While the graph of success continually goes up for some, it remains stagnant for others.

To explore the answers to this important question, stay with me and read this article till the end. My name is Rakesh Sharma and I support the business owners and the salespeople to grow their business and maximize their profits. I provide them business coaching and empower them with lots of business growth and sales tools which they can use to scale up their business.

Before we get going, I recommend that you get your pen and paper ready for making notes on how you are going to apply these tips and tricks in your practice.


Sales is not the matter of the quality of your product or your service response. Sales is also not the matter of your company’s brand reputation.  Sales is not a matter of appointments and presentations. Sales is the matter of who you are, what is your attitude and how committed you are to your personal excellence. It is how responsible you are for taking actions. Sales is about how committed you are to help others by creating a win-win situation.

If you really want to become a champion salesperson then you must embrace professional qualities.  You must have extremely high clarity of your professional values.  Therefore, let me share with you what professional values you must embrace to become a great success in your sales career.

1.    Become fully Responsible: The champion salespeople take full responsibility of their results.  They do not blame others, the market or any other third factor for producing sales results.  They think creatively and find out solutions for the obstacles they face.  They always keep on working on themselves and keep enhancing their circle of control by working on their circle of influence. They know it very well that if they work on themselves then they will be in a position to influence the outside factors and they can safeguard themselves from market conditions by becoming innovative in their approach. They believe in themselves. They have high conviction that their product is the best and their company is the best in the world. 

2.     Become a Lifetime learner:  Champion salespeople keep learning throughout their life.  They understand that all the information and ideas they need to succeed in life already exist somewhere. The problem which they are facing now, somebody somewhere has already faced in past. Therefore, already there exists a solution to those problems and they just need to find those solutions.  Therefore, they are always willing to learn and grow.  One hour of learning commitment on daily basis will make you an expert in your field within five years.  They understand this secret and therefore they commit their time money and energy for learning. They read books, listen audio tapes and attend seminars. They take coaching and mentoring from expert salespeople. They become the life-long students hungry for knowledge. 

3.     Become expert Communicators:  All sales revolve around communication.  Different forms of communication are used right from the beginning till end in a sales process.  The champion salespeople continuously keep learning the art and science of communication.  They improve their verbal communication, written communication, and body language.  They pay special attention to their tonality. They understand that sending an appealing message to the prospect is very important in the sales process. They use different formats of written and verbal communication for this purpose.  They also understand that communication is not about talking alone. Selling is not telling.  Rather it is equally important to listen emphatically. They understand the power of listening.  Listen to understand, they listen to read between the lines, and they listen even the unspoken words. Without listening a sales person will never be able to understand what his customer needs and will never be able to close the sale.

4.    Build long term relationship: The champion salespeople know that people like to buy from friends. All things being equal people like to do business with their friends.  All things not being so equal, people still like to do business with their friends.  They create their connectivity model.  They keep creating opportunity for building and maintaining relationship with their existing customers and prospects.  They understand the importance of personal connect.  Therefore, they do not forget to give a telephone call and create opportunities for face to face meetings with existing customers and connect. They give high emphasis on creating satisfied and loyal customers.  They understand the difference between the satisfied and loyal customers.  They know that a satisfied customer can buy from somewhere else but a loyal customer will not only stick with your business but also they will stay with you, fight for you and recommend you to others.

5.    Become knowledgeable:  Champion salespeople value knowledge. They keep updating their knowledge about competition. They become more and more knowledgeable about their industry. They also become expert on their product and Company information. They acquire knowledge about the strengths and weaknesses of competitors. They become highly knowledgeable about the competing products and their unique selling propositions.  They acquire answers to all potential questions raised by the prospects during a selling process and they become proficient in handling objections.

6.    Develop a ‘Yes’ Attitude:  Attitude is the key success factor in sales.  Attitude is everything.  You become what you think about yourself. Your attitude is the core of every action you take.  Champion salespeople remain enthusiastic and positive during the conversation.  They are optimistic about the sales results They want to serve therefore they want to create win-win situation. They not only keep themselves motivated but also keep transferring their enthusiasm to the prospect. 

7.    Value their Time: Time is the biggest asset of sales champions. They never waste even a single minute of their time. They know, what the best use of their time is right now. They do not do activities which keep them just busy. Rather they focus on productivity and results. They prioritize their activities; they delegate whatever activities can be delegated and eliminate all those activities which need not be done. They do not waste their time and they do not let others waste their time. They value every single second of their time. 

So, friends if you embrace these six values in your professional life you will be able to reach to great heights in your selling career. Selling is one of the most noble profession in the world. By selling youre product and services you are contributing to the society. You help the organizations to generate wealth and therefore you help humanity to improve the quality of life on this planet.

My mission is to support more than one lakh business owners and salespeople in less than coming three years by providing them the business growth and sales tools. You can also become the part of this campaign by circulating this article to all your business friends. 


Thank you for reading and Happy selling!