The Most Effective Productivity Tool- 20 Minutes Wonder

Best Productivity Tool - 20 Minutes Wonder

Friends, when we want to take up any big objective or any new work, a big obstacle comes before us and that obstacle is that we do not have enough time. Every one says, “I don’t have time”.

But it is also a fact that God has given equal time to all. Every is granted with only 24 hrs every day. In these 24 hours’ time, people have done noticeably big things and changed the world, while some people are unable to earn anything special in their lives and die without achieving anything significant spending his life just repenting.

So what is the reason behind this? Everyone is busy but not effective. Yes, being busy is one thing and being productive and effective is another. You can keep doing a lot of work from morning to evening to stay busy, but in the evening, you may be sad that you could not do the important activities while you have been busy all the day. So why does this happen?

As a business coach I have found that, this is not because you are short of time but because the work you have been doing is not suitable for your long term purpose, is not appropriate to your mission and therefore the result you want to get is not satisfactory. Whatever you are achieving is finally not satisfying you.

Many times, we want to do some particularly important work such as doing some exercises to build our health. Or write a blog. But we acquit ourselves saying that I do not have time.

So friends, let me tell you that you do not need to have a lot of time to do big things. Even with small steps, you can cross the big journey. But you will have to do small tasks consonantly for an exceedingly long time.

In view of this idea, I being one the best sales and business coach in India, I have created a special tool, which I have named “20 Minutes Wonder”.

I believe that if you do some work only for 20 minutes daily, then you can make a lot of progress in that area. For example, if you exercise for 20 minutes, you can see an exceptionally positive change in your health.

If you write for 20 minutes daily, you can write a book of about 200 pages in the next 6 months.  So you should not think that “working 20 minutes per day” is a short time and small activity but the reality is that you can do a lot of work in 20 minutes.

Let me now explain how this tool “20 Min Wonder” works. First, write down all the activities you have to perform all your day, on a paper. Write down all the small and big activities that match your long objective and what you want to do.

After that, write all these tasks in a schedule in the morning till evening. I am encouraging you to make your day-long routine.

Do all the tasks that you want to do but also spend 20 minutes on some committed long-term long activity. These tasks can be anything that you consider important. Like reading a book, or writing a book, learning music, learning technology, or working on a hobby. And keep doing those focused activities for twenty minutes daily for a long enough time without any break. After some time, you will find that you have started making progress in all these goals areas.

If you give 20 minutes of time to any goal continuously for long time, then you will definitely be able to achieve goals and tasks. You will also get results in your targeted area. And as soon as you get the result, your morale and enthusiasm will increase, and you will start spending more time in that area. So, for this I have given you an Excel format, which you can modify and customize in your own way and take advantage of it

All you must do is to work daily according to the routine you created and keep updating this format.

As a business coach now, I share some other rules to take full advantage of this tool. It is particularly important to follow these rules otherwise you will not get full benefit of this tool.

Keep in mind that productivity and effectiveness need the time, attention, and the combination of energy. If you are not doing any work with full attention and focus and there is a lack of energy, then you will waste your time in vain.

Always be noticeably clear about your preferences. Only the activities that are directly related to your long-term objective should come in your preferences.

While it is important to know what you do, it is more important to know what you should not do. And all the work that you should not do, remove from your list. If you do this, you will not only save your time you will also be able to do more important work.

Nowadays, where computers and mobile phones are the means to increase our productivity, all these means have ruined our focus and attention. As a result our productivity and output get affected poorly.

So, keep the mobile phone aside while working. Stop WhatsApp and all other types of alerts. Do not check emails again and again. And focus on one task at a time.

Delegate all the work that you can do by someone else to others. Eliminate the tasks which are not required to be done from your list. Do make your daily routine and follow it with focus and attention

So friends, if you want to want to transform your life and want to do something very special, then use the 20 Min Wonders tool, and take full advantage of your time.

The author is one of the best Sales and Business coach in India. He runs his own Sales Training company. His company is rated one among the best sales training companies in the country by the clients. He is a business coach in India he has coached hundreds of clients. As sales Coach in India he has trained coached and trained thousands of trainees across country. He a one among the best sales coach in NCR.