In the previous blog, I discussed with you about the various elements of credibility and how having great credibility plays an imperative role in winning your customer.


In a nut shell, we discussed many different ways to build your brand credibility i.e. by having

  • Esteemed associations,
  • Great feedback and testimonials,
  • Certifications and accolades from reputed organizations
  • And also via word of mouth from your existing clients and customers.

But equally important is to have an effective and optimized sales process. Because it is during the sales process only that either the customer is impressed with you and your credibility or not.

By far the best way to enhance your credibility is to earn it with each individual prospect and customer. You can build you credibility by delivering him the promised result, and by showcasing him the results which you have delivered to so many other customers. 

But the question is how to build your credibility while you are still in the selling conversation with your prospect?



1. Ask the Right Questions:

The great salespeople go and meet the prospects with full preparation.  If you ask focused and precise questions for exploring the problem the customer may be facing, the customer will think that you have done your homework properly and you have understood his business well. 

The vague and irrelevant questions will only reduce the seller’s credibility in the customer’s mind.  Keep in mind that a customer’s time is valuable, he will always prefer to answer only the most relevant questions.  As a seller, if you are asking the right questions, it will tell him that you know your subject very well, and therefore you earn his trust.  

2. Listen empathically: 

During the selling conversation listening to the customer with empathy is going to give a great credibility to you. You need to demonstrate that you are listening attentively and empathically.  Empathic listening means that you understand the customer very well. 

Understand the customer’s problems, requirements, and fears in depth to give him the desired solution. Therefore, to get the customers credibility you must listen to the customer attentively and with empathy.

3. Be Authentic :  

This is one of the most important contributors of getting the customer’s trust during the selling process.  You need to behave with high authenticity. Some salespeople think that the customer does not know much about them and their business and as a result, they present a phony picture in front of them. 

This is only going to shatter your trust with the customer.  In the world of internet, the customers educated, very well informed, and spend every penny carefully. Therefore, it is advised that you be yourself and present your authentic face only with the prospect. The customer can accept the way you are rather than a facade on your face. 

4. Do not show as if you know it all:

During a sales call do not communicate to your customer that you know everything and have more knowledge than him.  If you do so you are only going to hurt his pride.  Lots of orders are lost by the salespeople who hurt the customers’ pride by communicating that they know better than the prospect. 

 This problem happens more frequently in the case of Technology areas.  Using sophisticated technical language, or technical jargon you are surely going to hurt him, and this is the surest way to lose credibility.   This does not mean that if you are knowledgeable, you do not share the right information with your customer.  What it means is that how you do it is crucial.  You should show your mastery over the subject but at the same time you must acknowledge your prospect and value his experience and knowledge.  You can very well earn his trust by giving him clear, comprehensive, and appropriate answers to quiz questions.

5. Keep you Communication Clear:

During the sales conversation many times you will find that the prospect unnecessarily pressurizing you for something which is against your organizational interest. You need to demonstrate to the prospect that you are interested in getting the order, but you will not compromise on your organizational values and interests.

 When a customer is finding excuses to put you down, the natural behavior of most of the salespeople is to accommodate.  But if you do so, you will only lose your credibility with your prospect. You can create a win-win situation by being specific and clear in your communication and by clearly answering his objections.  For this purpose, you need to listen to your customer attentively and with empathy. Allow the customer to vent out his feelings and then answer precisely.

6. Deliver on Your Promises:

The selling process itself is a service delivery as well.  The way you present yourself and your product, your brochures, testimonials, and how you maintain your sales kit, all these things matter a lot for earning the customer’s trust and credibility. 

 Many salespeople do not give any importance to these things.  All such components of your selling process are the small results, which communicate about your professionalism to your prospect.  And in case you have promised to deliver him some samples of product or services then make sure that they are delivered on time and in the best quality as promised. 


I Rakesh Sharma, is a Business and Performance Coach having more than 30 years of experience and 10 years of coaching experience. I have trained more than 15000 professionals over the years.

I am sharing my jama punji with you all so that you can reap the benefits out of my 30 years of experience. So next time you are meeting a new customer make sure that you are building trust with him while you are still in your selling process.

Keep the above 6 things in mind and accordingly plan your conversation with your prospect. To remind you again the lack of credibility is the biggest reason why a customer can be reluctant to place the order with you. 

So optimize your sales process in order to bag every sales order.

Happy selling