This One Thing Will Put You into the Sales Champions’ Category

sales methods and techniques

Did you come across to some sale person who would ask lot of questions from you but will not make any notes. How did you feel about him?

Yes, I am sure, like so many other customers you also thought that he is acquiring so much information from you but how will he remember all this information.

Friends my name is Rakesh Sharma and I empower business owners and salespeople to grow their business and maximize their profits.

I am going to share with you how this one quality of yours separates you from average salespeople and put you into the category of sales champions.

After working through the prospecting stage now you meet your prospect in the expectation of getting order from him. So, you go and give your introduction and deliver your presentation. In this process you acquire lots of information from him. You ascertain that how you can you meet his needs by delivering your product.

So this is the time, when you take out your pen and writing pad and start taking notes. This is most important activity which you perform in any sales situation. Why taking notes is so important let us understand that. How this one practice put you in the category of champion salespeople.

1.    Taking notes makes you focus on solutions: Notes taking subconsciously communicates to you and the prospect that you are meeting to provide some solutions to the prospect. So, you note down all the details of prospects problems so that you can offer the appropriate solutions in the form of your product or service.

2.    It helps you make listen: this is especially important benefit of taking notes. You also communicate to prospect that if you are taking notes you are listening to him and you are accordingly taking notes.

3.    Taking notes makes your prospect open: Because you become interested in listening and asking questions, so the prospect opens up and tells you about his requirements. You can note down the details of his problems and issues being faced by him.

4.    Notes taking makes you look like a real professional:  Neat and systematic notes taking and briefing your prospect on what you have noted, shall communicate about your professional outlook.

While taking notes there are three important points to be taken care.

1.    Makes sure that you have a proper company-branded note pad and good-looking pen.

·         Notes must be written neatly and must be visible to you and to your prospect

·         Send a summary of notes after the meeting gets over.

As a sales and business coach, I have seen lots of salespeople committing this mistake of not taking notes taking seriously. So, ensure that you follow the above advice and get into the category of Champion Salesperson.

About Rakesh Sharma, Best Business Coach in India  –

Rakesh Sharma is one of the best business coach in India and Business growth consultant. He runs his own Sales Training in NCR. His company is rated one among the best sales training companies in the country by the clients. He is a sales coach in India. he has coached hundreds of clients. As Sales Trainer in India he has trained coached and trained thousands of trainees across country. He a one among the best business coach in NCR and Sales Consultant in NCR.