This One Habit Will Make You the Sales Champion

To earn more you must learn more. Do you know, that your work and your performance today is already operating at your maximum potential, you are currently at the peak of whatever knowledge and skills you have? But are you satisfied with where you are?

If not would you like to know how to get more?

If so, read on…

You can learn anything you need to learn to achieve any goal you can set for yourself there are no limits Brian Tracy  

There is a simple logic which you can use to do more!

You can only enhance your performance and ensure better results by learning new skills and more essentially learning to apply new methods and techniques.

Only a fool repeats the same things and expects new results– Albert Einstein

The future belongs to the learners and not just the hard workers.  The highly paid sales people spend much more time and money to improve themselves and upgrade their own skills in comparison to an average sales persons. Learning helps you improve your knowledge about your product, prospecting, presentation skills, objection handling skills and other skills which you need for becoming the champion salesperson. 

 I have come across a lot of sales people who have been growing their skills and consequently growing their commissions and their payments. Multiple learning and skill development opportunities are available now-a-days. There couldn’t be a better time than the current time for learning and personal upgradation! 

It all comes down to your interest level and your commitment.


This is my promise that if you develop this one habit of continuous learning you will be able to change your destiny and you shall be able to become a real sales champion.

To help you further, today I am going to share with you 6 key learning principles.  If you follow these principles you will become a very good learner and you will be able to grow your income levels manifolds.


  1. Nurture the principle of openness:  Any and all learning starts with the mindset of being open to learning. Many sales people think that if they can explain the product very well they know all about the sales.  Whenever they fail they don’t take the responsibility and they pass on the responsibility to the unfavorable market conditions and recession ridden economy.  The question of learning new skills does not even strike their mind.  If one is closed to the even the idea of learning new skills and acquiring knowledge, Nobody can force such people and they will not be able to grow their skills. Openness implies a degree of willingness and eagerness of an individual to learn something new. Individuals learn best when they are physically, mentally and emotionally ready to learn — and they do not learn well if they see no reason for learning.
  2. Define your motives:  Learning requires a lot of motivation, willpower and discipline.  Learning is not easy, it requires commitment.  Therefore one has to be very clear about ones motives for learning.  If the motives are not clear then one will move a little in that direction and then will stop on experiencing the very first hurdle!  Define for yourself a goal to develop your specific skills, for example- you can decide to develop your presentation skills, or you can decide to improve your objection handling skills.  For this purpose you can read various books and do lots of research on internet and attend seminars, but for doing all this successfully, your motives of learning must be absolutely clear so that you can crossover any hurdles and keep moving consistently.
  3. Follow the principle of consistency:  Learning is not a one-time activity.  Learning is continuous and lifelong.  All the athletes and sports people keep training themselves throughout the life.  They keep teaching new skills to their body. They compete with themselves and keep breaking their own past records. Similarly for a salesperson learning something new is a mental training.  This training is even more important than the physical training.  The champion salespeople know this very very clearly that they need to become life-long learners.  So they spend their time energy and money for learning.  Even if you decide to read one book per week you will be able to read 52 books in the year which means more than 500 books in 10 years.  With this kind of a reading you will be able to get at least three Ph.Ds!
  4. Generate your principle of identity:   The first step in learning is to identify yourself with the skill you want to learn. If you want to learn presentation skills then you must say yourself that you are a good presenter. This means you are not just learning the presentation skills rather you are becoming a good presenter.  So your identity must become consistent with the skill you want to learn.  This will make the learning easier and faster.  For creating the consistent identity the sales people write down certain affirmative sentences and they keep repeating these affirmations throughout the day multiple times.  The affirmations directly work on the subconscious and your mind trains itself to become the kind of person who already masters this particular skill and you change your personality and your identity permanently.
  5. Observe the principle of environment. Environment is the key driver of learning.  A champion salesperson understands this principle very well. Therefore, make friends and stay in proximity of other star sales people. This process helps them absorb information and tips and tricks from them.  These champion sales people become their inspiration.  They always have sales books, videos and other learning tools in their living room.  Their driving time is also efficiently utilized for learning from recorded series of different books and seminars.  These days these CDs are very commonly available and can be very effectively utilized for increasing your knowledge and skills.  Brian Tracy suggest that- one should apply the 3 percent rule which means that a sales person  must spend 3{2facf265810d5c64deca339a00197305ceb917dadef902f2426694cb75f36e2b} office earning every month on his personal upgradation.  Imagine if you are spending such money on buying books, CDs  and attending seminars how much value addition you will be able to do to yourself? The environment has to be distraction free and conducive to learning. You can have pictures of certain sales champions around you and constantly take inspiration from them.  You can also have a vision boards in front of you which will add to your learning environment
  6. Imbibe the principle of exercise. No learning gives the result if it is only at the level of knowledge.  People say that “Knowledge Is Power” but I say “knowledge is not power rather, applied knowledge is”.  So whatever is the knowledge you gain you must be able to apply in day to day working.  You must keep asking this question that- where will I use this knowledge in my day to day working.  A learner must consciously find out opportunities to use his knowledge and evaluate the learning and its benefits.  The more you practice the more expert you become, on it.  “Practice makes perfect”. The more you exercise the knowledge acquired by you the more you will be able to get clarity on it and you will become the champion of your favorite skill.  Salespeople understand the importance of role playing, they always change the  acquired knowledge  into the role plays and they immediately see the challenges and the benefits of implementing the acquired knowledge. 

Friends learning is a habit which has helped the numerous people become successful.  If there is only one in ingredient to be found responsible for success then it is learning.  If you to develop this habit gradually then you will be able to add such qualities to your personality which will help you throughout the life and will help you overcome all the odds and you will definitely become the champion salesperson.

Remember the saying, “the more you do of what you are doing,  the more you will get what you are getting.”

Friends my mission is to empower more than 1 Lakh business owners and sales people by providing them the quality and affordable business growth tools so that they can grow their business. 

You can also become part of this campaign by circulating this article  to all your business friends. Until next time, happy selling!