7- Steps to Create A High Performing Sales Team
Does your sales team deliver the sales result as per the potential of your business?
Did you also notice that when you go for a sales call, you generally come back with an order, but your salespeople come back most of the time with empty hands?
Yes friends, this is a serious problem. It has many disadvantages. Because of this reason, many small entrepreneurs have decided not to hire salespersons. They have taken the ownership of sales themselves and keep themselves engaged in sales activity. For this reason, their business certainly does not get the kind of growth that can be possible with a team.
While as mentioned above this is a serious problem, have you thought that why it happens that you are able to close the sales deals, but your salespeople generally fail?
Yes, this is a topic to ponder upon. And as one of the best business coach in India, after working with many clients I found that the main reason behind this is that entrepreneurs have developed their knowledge and skills to sell their product. But their sales people lack in competence and entrepreneurs have not devised any method to transfer the required knowledge and train their salespersons on product knowledge and sales skills, as result they are not able to address prospects questions and objections satisfactorily and as a result not able to close the sales deal. It is sad and disappointing. Because due to this entrepreneur suffer, business does not grow, and salesperson develop an inferior self-image at times also lose job. It is complete lose lose situation for all the three entities.
It is not so that the entrepreneurs cannot provide the required knowledge to their team, but the problem is that they have any system through which they can transfer their knowledge to their salespeople and help them succeed.
So now let us discuss what can be the solutions for the above problem. As a best sales and business growth coach and consultant in the NCR, I would like to share my experience as to how to build a strong sales team?
So friends, today I will tell you a time tested seven steps strategy so that you can create a strong sales team in your business and which can bring the desired growth.
- Document the selection Criteria for a salesperson: As a business growth consultant I would like to emphasize that performance start building up before the recruitment of the salesperson. You must have a well-defined selection criterion for your sales team members. This is the first step to build a strong sales team. You should know, for your business, what should be the quality in a good sales person, what should be his knowledge, what should be the skills and also what should be his attitudinal characteristics. If you write all these things beforehand, you become very clear what kind of salesperson you will hire and they you will the foundation stone of great sales performance.
- Establish a strong selection and recruitment process: A strong salesperson and team formation begins during recruitment. That is why you must know in advance, how will you find the right candidate for interview, how will you select him and how will you interview and finalize him. For this, the sourcing of candidates for sales position, the method of selection and how the interview will be done must be properly document, else mistakes are bound to happen.
- Create and implement a robust training process: You cannot expect a good performance from a salesperson from day one. You cannot throw him in the ocean of business world for getting eaten away by sharks. You must train them properly and equip them with proper sales weapons.
Friends, as a sales trainer I have found that sales superstars are not born, they do not come directly from heaven, but they are made with lots of hard and training. Therefore, your training process should be immensely powerful and robust, but before that your detail training module should also be present.
- Set team and individual sales targets: After this comes the fourth step and that is to set the targets for them. Sales target should never be such that after listening to them the salesperson gets frustrated or gives up the motivation. On contrary, the sales target should be such that the salesperson must see some challenges in them, but at the same time they also see that they can achieve them.
So, while setting the sales target, it is important that you discuss with your salespeople and also set the sales target according to your experience and market opportunity. As a sales coach I have published an article you download the same from our website.
- Correct strategy and action planning: Many times our entrepreneurs make the mistake of giving a target to their sales team, but what strategy is there to achieve those targets, what is the action plan and what are the tools, they do not provide all that. And many times, there is no discussion on all these. This is a very big mistake and we should not do it.
Without the right action planning, the target cannot be achieved, orders will not be closed. Also, the salespersons will become frustrated. Therefore, it is especially important to discuss the appropriate strategy and action planning with salesperson and help them implement the same. - Performance Review System: You cannot just hire a salesperson and ask him to go to field and start producing results. Rather the fact is that they need constant super vision coaching and training, and guidance for producing desired results.
For this it is necessary that you create a formal performance review system. We have created a detailed document on “how to conduct a powerful sales review”. Kindly visit our website http//www.rakeshbusinessguru.com to download the same. But we would like to tell you that at least once in a week you must meet your salespersons, discuss what they have done, what targets have been achieved, what orders have been closed and also what support they need.
The purpose of review is not to scold the salespeople but to solve their problem and give proper guidance and motivate them for higher performance.
- Create and Implement Motivating Compensation Structure: Salespeople should be treated like business owners and hence they should know from the beginning that if they bring good sales results then they will get good commission. Never let your salespeople get satisfied with salary only.
Their compensation should depend on sales results. It is not right to set any upper limit on commission. If you do so, then you will also limit the sales result.
So, friends, if you manage and lead your teams according to the above seven steps, then you will definitely be able to achieve superlative performance. This is our promise to you. To get performance, you will have to constantly work on your team so that you can take your business to your desired heights.
Let me give you a tour of the seven steps once again at the end.
- Document the selection Criteria for a salesperson
- Establish a strong recruitment process
- Create and implement a robust training process
- Set team and individual sales targets
- Implement the right strategy and action planning
- Implement Performance Review System
- Create and Implement Motivating Compensation Structure
So, friends, I will ask you to implement the above seven steps in your business in a systematic way and make your business progress to the level you want.
About The Author –
Author, Rakesh Sharma is one of the best Sales and Business coach in India. He runs his own Sales Training company. His company is rated one among the best sales training companies in the country by the clients. He is a business coach in India he has coached hundreds of clients. As sales Coach in India he has trained coached and trained thousands of trainees across country. He a one among the best Business Coach in NCR.